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Create a single download link with multiple one-time-use passwords (Unique Codes).

This feature allows users to generate a single download link secured with multiple one-time-use passwords.

Imagine sharing a digital product (app, eBook, song, etc.). Would you prefer:
An open link that can be shared by anyone, allowing unlimited downloads? No!
A link with a single-use password that requires creating a new link for each client or download? No!
A link with multiple single-use passwords, where each code can be used only once and expires, but the link remains active until all codes are used? Yes, this is the best choice!

Limited download links with a set number of downloads.

This feature allows users to generate links that expire after a specified number of downloads.

The file can be downloaded as long as the maximum number of downloads has not been reached.

Link with all possible limitations combined.

You can combine all limitations for maximum control over your file sharing.

For example, you can create a password-protected link with a maximum number of downloads and set an expiration date.

The link will remain active until either the maximum number of downloads is reached or the expiration date passes, whichever comes first.

Track file downloads.

You can monitor and view the number of times a file has been downloaded from any link you’ve shared.

No daily bandwidth limit.

There is no daily bandwidth limit for your account.

This enables more daily downloads for the files you share, enhancing the user experience.

No File Type Restriction.

You can share files of any type without limitations.

This ensures flexibility and convenience for users sharing diverse file formats.